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 About the Artist    Artist Intention   Art Publications


Caroline’s approach to life has learning and relationship at core, and includes an integration of mind-body-spirit. Essentially she remains an educator, a storyteller -- though primarily focusing on, and working through a visual medium.


Hers is a life path marked by travels across many fields, as well as travels abroad, in Australian cities, and remote areas, The different paradigms offered by distinctive cultures, including ancient Indigenous cultures - has taught her about relationship between all, and a way towards sustaining earth. She continues to explore unknowns.

About the Artist
Caroline painting
Artist Intention


Caroline Josephs' work is searching for a new 'story' - Australian Indigenous notions of 'country' meeting migrant sensibility. Sails of early migrant ships, tents and tarpaulins may be evoked by use of hemmed, eyeleted canvases.

Describing Caroline's work, her New York gallery has written that it is...

concerned with ecologies of place, of geo-spiritual locality - not broad strokes but textural details.  Many of her acrylic paintings and ink and pastel drawings reference Australian Aboriginal motifs, combined with startlingly unique, sometimes abstract, mystical symbolism.

The hybridized nature of contemporary life is portrayed by large figures and vivid surfaces made up of small detailed elements, with characters straddling thresholds and crossing boundaries, transporting us to a space between worlds where everything is in flux. We view these energetic images as though ’searching for a new story’. the effect is the richness of lives in many places at once.

Caroline’s grand-parents arrived in Australia as refugees from pogroms (Latvia, Ukraine) around World War I. Over thirty years she has explored cultures and stories with Aboriginal people (Arnhemland, south coast NSW, Central Australia, Brewarrina, Tasmania). Working closely with an Aboriginal Elder, a Yuin man, (over 30 years) she introduces people to walking in country, hearing stories -- as well as guiding participants into creative work arising from such embodied experiences. Caroline has been a Zen student for more than 25 years -- also a strong influence in the work.

Her doctoral research, completed 2006, explores how we get to ‘know’ through sacred oral storytelling, exploring the liminal zone of transformation evoked by such tellings. The research work included storytellings from Indigenous Yolgnu people, from the Judaic tradition, and from Zen. These preoccupations seep through the work. Primarily an artist, Caroline continues to be involved in storytelling, research, writing, and presentations -- with a focus on intercultural issues and their exploration through Art and learning.

Caroline has been represented by
Agora Gallery, 530 West 25th Street, New York 10001 <> <>

Art Publications


Published in ARTisSpectrum, Agora Gallery, New York City


*   Vol 30, 2013, p.52.

*   Vol 27, 2012, p.97.

*   Vol. 26, 2011, p.56.

*   Vol. 25, 2011, p.60.


*  Travels with a Paintbrush: in Matisse's Villa le Reve, Vence, ARTisSpectrum,  Vol 30, 2013,  p.48.

*  Ancient Olive Trees Inspire Artwork…in Puglia, Italy, ARTisSpectrum, Vol. 26, 2011,  pp. 65-69.

*  New York City, Evoking the Muse, ARTisSpectrum, Vol. 25, 2011,  pp. 62-63.

*  Art-making as Searching: Kinship of Country, Body, Ancestors, ARTisSpectrum, Vol. 24,  November 2010, 

     pp 71-75.

© Copyright Caroline Josephs PhD

Website design by Rhyton Press

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