Caroline Josephs PhD
Sydney, Australia
Artist, Writer, Storyteller, Researcher, Educator
The Red Thread is now available on Amazon - $25
All paintings in the books are for sale.
Acrylic on canvas. Contact Caroline for dimensions and prices.

Thank you for the book! And a massive BRAVO..its fabulous! R.O.
I've just been hanging out with Nails and his new friends. Such vivid color and fluidity in your characters and paintings! My favourite pictures are the ones of him walking the tightrope back and forth. Love his outfit, the hanky especially. It's a story about community, a family extending themselves to a stranger who is distressed and giving him back his livelihood. Guess that's a pandemic happy ending, the possibility of goodness and sharing emerging.
Rucinda is in touch with the Big Picture. Such beautiful pictures of her in the trees, diving into the water, with the birds. I hope whoever reads the book can all take a lesson there and tune into the distress of the earth, the non-humans. M..J.
Your book arrived this morning, and I sat down to read this most delightful and engaging book, with stories on such relevant issues for our future generations! Congratulations, and what a most rewarding project! J.J.
I really enjoyed the deep stories you conveyed and the fabulous paintings. What important ideas of generosity, kindness, ancient cultures, mystery, interconnectedness, the wisdom of the plants and animals, plus so much more …. Your paintings fit so beautifully with the text, and I love their movement, colour and quirkiness. I also love your invitation to children, or whoever reads these stories, to engage their own imaginations is wonderful - and what a bonus for kids to have lots of scientific information available to them, if they’re wanting to learn more. K.S.
What a delightful book you have created! Stories that are light of touch but have a message running through. And I love your pictures, they're whimsical and work so well with the text., also the clever card pockets. M.O.
This book is so layered, subtle, full of promise, inviting of imaginative collaboration. T.S.
The Clown is such a lovely generous hearted moral story. Your painting style of whimsical creatures and characters fit the story too, they really come alive. I also especially loved the little fishy true story. You really are gifted with story telling and being an artist too, such a rare combination to be able to do both. S.B.
Thank you so much for your beautiful book. The art work is lovely as are the stories. I think my favourite story is the “ Little Fishy” …just gorgeous! Congratulations. You must feel very proud and you are so lucky to have such a wonderful eye and the ability to appreciate the beautiful creatures we share the earth with. R.G.
I’ve enjoyed the ' Clown and other Stories’, the heart in them and particularly your illustrations. Fabulous fishes! And also the lovely and atmospheric worlds of ‘Translucent Rucinda.’ IAnd those fun and quirky envelopes inside the cover! Well done! H.L.
I did enjoy The Clown a lot - very engaging - especially the illustrations with their freedom and lack of self-consciousness. M.B.
The illustrations, the color palettes, are living things! The child consoling the clown for being out of work during the pandemic, and then helping him figure out a way to make it better...I could have cried. And it’s easy to imagine a parent reading this to a child as a way to make this all make sense to them. I.J.
A clever story, such terrific illustrations - & I loved the little pockets with cards. B.B.
I have read The Red Thread book to my five-year -old grandson. He loved it and particularly liked the illustrations. He is very partial to spooky stories and liked the adventures of Tranquil, Tombo and Tang. A.C.
Congratulations on those WONDERFUL children’s books. They are beautiful and perfectly produced.
I am truly loving your children’s books, such great stories for our times and your art work fits so perfectly. Celebrating the whimsical and lyrical, you have a gift. S.B.
A great story and the paintings are marvellous! My grandchildren will love it. J.C.
I loved the Red thread story, saving our Mother Earth, so close to my heart, and of course the big story of our age, with global warming and a climate emergency. Quite ingenious too, to have little envelopes with extra information in them, so it’s good for adults too. We need more stories like this. S.B.
I'm thrilled to receive your book "The Red Thread" and love your illustrations. I will have a long immersion on the weekend. My grandchildren also loved the illustrations and thought the pictures in the envelopes were 'cool'. P.W.